Advice For New Parents: 10 Years Later, Still True

I was barely 21 years old, a newlywed, living in a new state, and pregnant for the first time. I can remember so many times feeling like a little girl playing dress up in my Moms high heels and jewelry, like I wasn’t really an adult, I was just pretending to be one. That’s right when we received some of the best advice for new parents we’ve ever heard. 10 years later, it’s still true.

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FamilySamantha HorningComment
The Adoption Process

This has been a crazy year for our little Family Band - there have been 2 major life-altering surprises that have changed us: feeling called to start the adoption process and finding out we were pregnant mid-adoption and then still feeling led to finish the adoption after new baby Arthur was born.

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Renovating Our New Fixer Upper, Part 1

My design inspo for our home is Santa Barbara Ranch style. Things are coming together beautifully! We are soooo far from done and the projects have come to a screeching halt (I’m looking at you, surprise pregnancy) but we have come a long way and we’re excited to keep going! 

Here’s a look at just a *few* of the things we’ve done to our house so far and my favorite area of our home. 

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